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Scroll and click through work samples below


Behavior Changing Strategies in Public Health

Developed an sexuality education intervention for new parents to help foster body sovereignty in young children

Personal Statement on True Inclusion in Education

Conference Presentation

For more information on our research, please visit our website: Queering International Education 

Click on the video to play presentation

Comprehensive Sexuality Education as a JEDI tool in International Education

Women, Peace & Security
​婦女,和平 安全

Presented research on the U.S. Women, Peace & Security Act and the significance of Taiwan's advances in gender equity to U.S. national security. 

Policy Research & Analysis

Narrative on Taiwan's history of gender equity politics


Developmental Evaluation Plan

Completed M & E Plan for a new sexuality education program implemented by Taiwan's Gender Equity Education Association

Memo advocating for early childhood Comprehensive Sexuality Education

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